Ted Talk Who Am I Think Again

我们怎样决定我们自己是谁?在TED演讲中,Hetain Patel和观众一同探讨了"玩弄身份和真实性"的话题,Patel与中国台湾Yuyu Rau一同完成了这个创作。他们在演讲过程中巧妙穿插着舞蹈、音乐和双簧表演,十分精彩,幽默风趣的语言中蕴含着丰富的哲理。

How do we make up one's mind who we are? Hetain Patel's surprising functioning plays with identity, language and accent -- and challenges you lot to think deeper than surface appearances. A delightful meditation on self, with performer Yuyu Rau, and inspired by Bruce Lee.




assumption n. 假定;设想

Mandarin n. 普通话

trouser north. 裤子

pajama n. 睡衣;宽长裤

genuinely adv. 真诚地;诚实地

robe n. 长袍,礼服;制服

formless adj. 没有形状的;无定形的

imitate vt. 模仿,仿效

offend vt. 冒犯;使…不愉快

emigrate vi. 移居;移居外国

neat adj. 灵巧的;整洁的

mustache due north. 胡子

underestimate vt. 低估;看轻

frustrate vt. 挫败;阻挠

strive vi. 努力;奋斗

authenticity northward. 真实性,确实性


Hetain Patel: (In Chinese)

赫顿 帕塔尔: (中文)

Yuyu Rau: Hi, I'm Hetain. I'm an artist. And this is Yuyu, who is a dancer I have been working with. I have asked her to translate for me.

饶宇玉: 你好!我叫赫顿,我是个艺术家。这是宇玉,她是与我合作的舞蹈家,我请她来为我翻译。

Twelvemonth: If I may, I would similar to tell yous a little flake well-nigh myself and my artwork.

宇玉: 如果可以的话,我想向你们简单介绍一下我自己和我的艺术作品。

Twelvemonth: I was built-in and raised about Manchester, in England, only I'chiliad not going to say it in English to you, because I'm trying to avoid whatsoever assumptions that might be fabricated from my northern emphasis.

宇玉: 我在英格兰城市曼彻斯特周边出生长大,但是我不会用英文告诉你这些,因为我要避免任何由于我的北方口音,而对我本人作出的任何设想。

Twelvemonth: The only trouble with masking it with Chinese Mandarin is I can only speak this paragraph, which I have learned by center when I was visiting in People's republic of china. (Laughter) So all I can practice is keep repeating it in different tones and hope yous won't observe.


YR: Needless to say, I would like to repent to whatsoever Mandarin speakers in the audience.


As a child, I would hate existence made to wear the Indian kurta pajama, because I didn't think it was very absurd. It felt a scrap girly to me, like a apparel, and it had this baggy trouser part yous had to tie really tight to avoid the embarrassment of them falling down. My dad never wore it, then I didn't encounter why I had to. Too, it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, that people assume I correspond something genuinely Indian when I wear it, considering that's not how I feel.


YR: Really, the but way I feel comfy wearing it is by pretending they are the robes of a kung fu warrior similar Li Mu Bai from that film, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."


Okay. So my artwork is about identity and language, challenging common assumptions based on how nosotros expect like or where nosotros come from, gender, race, class. What makes us who nosotros are anyway?

好的 所以,我的艺术作品讨论的是身份认同以及语言,挑战常见的刻板印象,这些假设,基于我们的外表和我们来自哪里,性别,种族,阶级,究竟什么让我们每个人显得独特?

Yr: I used to read Spider-Man comics, watch kung fu movies, take philosophy lessons from Bruce Lee. He would say things like --


HP: Empty your mind. (Laughter) Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup. It becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. Put it in a teapot, information technology becomes the teapot. Now, water tin can menstruation or it can crash. Be water, my friend. (Adulation)


YR: This year, I am 32 years old, the same age Bruce Lee was when he died. I have been wondering recently, if he were alive today, what advice he would give me about making this TED Talk.

这一年,我32岁, 李小龙就是在他32岁那年去世的,我时常在想,如果他今天还活着,他会给我做这个TED演讲,提出怎样的建议。

HP: Don't imitate my vocalization. It offends me.

赫顿:不要学我的口音 这会冒犯到我。

YR: Good communication, just I still recollect that we acquire who we are by copying others. Who here hasn't imitated their babyhood hero in the playground, or mum or father? I have.


HP: A few years ago, in order to make this video for my artwork, I shaved off all my pilus and so that I could grow it back every bit my father had it when he offset emigrated from Republic of india to the U.G. in the 1960s. He had a side parting and a nifty mustache.

赫顿:几年前,为了制作这段影片 来展现我的艺术思考,我剃光了自己的头发,那样我就可以像我的父亲那样,等待它慢慢长出来,像我的父亲刚从印度移民来英国时那样,那是在1960年代,他有着偏分的发型和利落的胡子。

At first, information technology was going very well. I fifty-fifty started to get discounts in Indian shops.


But then very chop-chop, I started to underestimate my mustache growing ability, and information technology got style too big. It didn't look Indian anymore. Instead, people from beyond the road, they would shout things like --


HP and Year: Arriba! Arriba! Ándale! Ándale!


HP: Really, I don't know why I am even talking like this. My dad doesn't fifty-fifty take an Indian emphasis anymore. He talks like this now.


So information technology's not just my father that I've imitated. A few years ago I went to China for a few months, and I couldn't speak Chinese, and this frustrated me, so I wrote nearly this and had it translated into Chinese, and so I learned this by center, similar music, I guess.


Year: This phrase is at present etched into my mind clearer than the pin number to my bank bill of fare, so I tin can pretend I speak Chinese fluently. When I had learned this phrase, I had an artist over at that place hear me out to meet how accurate information technology sounded.

宇玉:这句话现在深深地刻在我脑海里,甚至比我的银行卡密码还清晰,所以我假装自己会说流利的中文,当我学这段话的时候,我有个艺术家在那里听我说 然后看我对这段话的表达有多精确。

I spoke the phrase, and so he laughed and told me, "Oh yeah, that's bang-up, only information technology kind of sounds like a woman."

我说了这段话,然后他笑了 并告诉我 "太棒了,只是听起来有些女性化"。

I said, "What?"

我说 "什么?"

He said, "Yes, yous learned from a woman?"

他说 "你是不是从一位女士那里学来的这段话?"

I said, "Yes. Then?"

我说 "是的。那又怎样?"

He then explained the tonal differences between male person and female person voices are very different and singled-out, and that I had learned it very well, simply in a woman's voice.


HP: Okay. And so this imitation business does come with run a risk. Information technology doesn't always get equally yous programme it, even with a talented translator. Only I am going to stick with it, considering contrary to what we might usually assume, imitating somebody can reveal something unique. So every time I fail to become more like my begetter, I become more similar myself. Every time I fail to become Bruce Lee, I become more authentically me.


This is my art. I strive for authenticity, fifty-fifty if it comes in a shape that we might not usually expect. It'south just recently that I've started to understand that I didn't learn to sit like this through being Indian. I learned this from Spider-Man.








Source: https://m.sohu.com/a/389009997_637139

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